
General Contractor

General Contractor

We are helpful in carrying out a turnkey contract. When we carry out general contracting in Stockholm, we work so that the construction or renovation project moves forward and is completed on time. We work with high quality in all stages for the turnkey contract that you hire us for and we work to realize your dream of a new house.

Partner in building

Totalentreprenad Stockholm

For major new constructions that take place in Stockholm, we are helpful in carrying out a turnkey contract for both small and large construction companies and private customers. Artasbygg AB is located in Stockholm and here we offer turnkey contracts for construction and renovations. When we carry out general contracting in Stockholm, we work so that the construction or renovation project moves forward and is completed on time. We hire the craftsmen, machinists and architects, if necessary, and those required to build or renovate to be realized.

Bygg Ab
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Så arbetar vi med totalentreprenad i Stockholm

Before an assignment with a turnkey contract, we would like to meet you who are the client so that we can jointly plan the work, put up a schedule and budget for all the different parts that will be part of a turnkey contract. For us, it is important that the communication between us is direct and clear so that we become as knowledgeable as possible about everything related to your construction or renovation. We care about all our customers and want to get the right information about everything related to the construction or renovation project. As we are keen to carry out the turnkey project with high quality, it is important to have continuous contact throughout the project. Those of you who order the turnkey contract will receive a contact person who will provide all the necessary information. This is how it works when you hire Artasbygg AB for your turnkey contract: When you contact us, we would like to tell you in detail about your renovation or construction project.

save on costs

save on costs

We at Artasbygg AB work with high quality in every aspect of the total contract you hire us for, and we strive to realize your dream of a new house or the renovation you wish for your current home. To ensure that everything meets your expectations for a total contract, we maintain continuous contact with you as the client. We are responsible for ensuring that the construction project progresses and is completed on time, in accordance with the agreement we have signed.

how cooperation with us works

We undertake both larger and smaller new constructions and renovations and can, as soon as possible, plan your upcoming project together with you. If you decide to hire us for your total contract in Stockholm, we will sign an agreement so that all parties know what each should do, what is to be achieved, and within an approximate timeframe. We obtain all the important and necessary documents for the new construction, such as building permits, architectural drawings, technical reports, construction plans, or other essential documents.

We hire the necessary craftsmen, builders, and specialists required to carry out the construction or renovation. Throughout the process, we maintain contact with you and communicate all information to you, so you can make decisions regarding all contracts that need to be signed, architectural drawings, and other important documents related to the project. Once you have made decisions and checked all building permits, drawings, and similar documents, it is then up to us to implement what you have approved.

We create a construction schedule for the different planning stages, craftsmen, and installers and take responsibility for every part until all construction or renovation materials are on-site. You are still the property owners, but we are responsible for the execution and implementation of the project. As we approach the end of the construction or renovation project, we review everything, report everything we have carried out, and conduct final inspections together with you to ensure that you are satisfied with the result.

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Artasbygg Ab is one of the leading local construction companies, contact us and we will take you on a tour of our projects in Stockholm. We will also come to you and assess the scope of work, it's free!

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